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Firewood Products

  • Types of wood- At Wyoming Wild Firewood we harvest our wood from the Snowy's, because of this the majority of the wood that we offer is pine. We do our best to make sure that the wood that we sell is seasoned, dry and ready to burn. Most of the pine that we harvest have been killed by the mountain pine beetle

  • Amount- We sell our firewood by the cord. A standard cord of firewood is 4'x4'x8' (128 cubic feet). We measure each individual cord using 6 T posts. 3 on each side 16 inches between, 8 foot apart. We measure our cords before they are split, after splitting they amount varies slightly. 

  • Lengths- During our busy season (Sept. thru March) we offer 16 inch and 8 foot lengths. Outside of this season we can accommodate some custom  length orders and semi loads. 

  • Delivery- In our busy season (Sept. thru March) we offer delivery for 16 inch (split/unsplit) lengths and 8 foot lengths. Outside of this season we will deliver semi loads. We deliver with dump trailers and our single load limit is 3 cords. Unfortunately at this point we do not offer stacking. Our delivery areas are broken into 3 price categories which can be seen on our delivery area page. 

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Semi Loads/Trailer Loads

  • During the warmer months (May thru August) we deliver semi and trailer loads of firewood. Place an order to get on the list if outside those months.  

  • We shoot for log lengths between 24'-30' on both trailer and semi loads. These loads are not measured by the cord. 

  • Semi Loads- Delivery available in the Laramie area and outside the Laramie area on a case by case basis. 

  • Trailer Loads- Delivery available if equipment is available to unload. If a customer would like to pick up, we will fill the trailer that they bring. 

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